With our team of expert engineers in the field and over a decade of mining experience, we always support for all your mining projects.

In your active mining operations, we contribute to your budget by providing consultancy services throughout all operations, from production to sales stages.

We offer suitable solutions for procuring and maintaining machines used in all your mining operations, providing services tailored to your needs.
Iron Mine Project - AmasyaIron Mine Project - Amasya
Barite Mine Project - GümüşhaneBarite Mine Project - Gümüşhane
Chrome Mine Project - KayseriChrome Mine Project - Kayseri
Профессиональная команда
As a result of our corporate vision, we are working to provide you with the best service in line with the requirements of the industry.
With years of experience and expertise in the field, YHN Mining, which has a unique quality approach in the industry, provides the highest quality and safest support in the mining field, surpassing your expectations for product quality.
Быстрые решения
We become the fastest and most accurate solution partner in supply of the most suitable products and equipment for the field.
Опытные инженеры
Our expert engineers, work 24/7 to find and offer you the most economical solution in the shortest time, with all kinds of engineering services you can imagine in the field, accompanied by up-to-date technologies.
With its successful history, Nora Group holds a prominent position among Turkey’s leading companies and operates in its sector with the vision of becoming a regional leader. Nora Group’s success lies in a customer-focused and efficiency-centered management approach. These approaches of Nora Group are intertwined with a sense of corporate citizenship that benefits and will continue to benefit the entire society, going beyond mere financial gains.
Nora Grup, Barkom, barkomas.com, Barkom Grup
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